Voici une liste de nos questions fréquemment posées.
Si vous ne trouvez pas de réponse à votre question ici, veuillez nous contacter .
J'ai besoin d'être accompagné. Comment est-ce que j'utilise votre service?
It’s easy as 1-2-3. Call us at 514-398-2498 or demander un accompagnement en ligne during our operation hours, tell us your current location and destination, and we will dispatch a team of two volunteers to you.
Comment de déroule une marche accompagnée?
Notre équipe va vous rencontrer à l'emplacement convenu et nous vous accompagnerons jusqu'à votre destination. Si vous voulez discuter, nos bénévoles seront heureux d'engager une conversation avec vous. Si vous préférez rester silencieux, ça marche aussi.
J'ai besoin de prendre les transports en commun. Est-ce que votre équipe peut m'accompagner dans le métro?
Oui! Nous pouvons tout à fait prendre les transports en commun avec vous. Cela dit, nous ne pouvons pas payer pour votre ticket.
Si je prend un taxi ou un Uber, est-ce que WALKSAFE peut venir avec moi?
Bien sûr! Nous pouvons prendre un taxi ou un Uber avec vous, par contre, nous ne pouvons pas payer pour vous. Puisque nos équipes sont toujours constituées de deux bénévoles, veillez à ce que le véhicule ait assez de ceintures de sécurité pour vous, vos amis s'il y a lieu, et nos bénévoles.
I’d like to reserve WALKSAFE at a certain time. Can I do that?
Unfortunately, we operate on a first-come-first-serve basis. We do not book safe-walks in advance.
Where exactly do you operate from?
We are operating out of the SSMU building 3480 McTavish on the fourth floor for all regular shifts. For event shifts, we operate on-site of the event.
Do you operate over the summer or during Holiday break?
No. WALKSAFE also does not operate during McGill Calendar Holidays including Thanksgiving and Easter, nor over reading weeks.
When do you start operating?
We normally begin operating during the second week of the Fall semester and finish off on the last day of classes. In the Winter, we start back up usually the first week of classes and finish again, on the last day of classes.
Do you operate during exam time?
We do! In collaboration with our friends at DriveSafe, we operate a service called SafeHome with a reduced walking radius. We station ourselves at the McLennan-Redpath Library with special hours where we can take calls or walk-up service from there. For more information, visit our Facebook Page for the most up-to-date information.
I need a safe-walk but WALKSAFE isn’t operating. What do I do now?
Assuming you live close to campus, contact McGill security and one of their agents can walk you home. The downtown campus number is 514-398-3000. The Macdonald campus number is 514-398-7777. DriveSafe is a free SSMU service that drives students home on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 11 PM to 3 AM. Their number is 514-398-8040.
So, how can I get involved with WALKSAFE?
We’re always looking for new faces to join the service. We recruit at the beginning of the Fall and Winter semester. You can visit us at Activities Night, send us a quick nous contacter, or contact us via our Facebook page.
I heard about this service called DriveSafe. Are you them?
They are an equally spectacular service, but alas, we are two separate services. We walk people. They drive people. You can check them out at the DriveSafe website or visit the DriveSafe Facebook page.